Tag Archives: rote learning

Better Design of Algorithms in Elementary Math

“Design is a funny word. Some people think design means how it looks. But of course, if you dig deeper, it’s really how it works. The design of the Mac wasn’t what it looked like, although that was part of it. Primarily, it was how it worked. To design something really well, you have to… Read More »

Montessori Great Lesson Stories and “The Big Picture” in Science

“In science, they just call things different names that you have to learn. You could call something a blooky-blook, or you could call it a mooky-mook. It doesn’t matter. They’re just a bunch of names!” “Laura,” a fourth grader The Big Picture A good story captures our attention and imagination. We want to learn more… Read More »

Spelling and Memorization

  m, me, mem, memo, memor, memori, memoriz, memoriza, memorizat, memorizati, memorizatio, memorization Would you think this is an effective or efficient way to learn to spell “memorization”? Several years ago, I saw a report by a psychologist from a highly reputable children’s hospital that suggested that a child should memorize the first letter, then… Read More »